

220° Café Nonntal: “The eye gets the first nibble” – reviewed by Nina

„Set in a former workshop for electric motors, 220° Café delivers one of the finest breakfasts in Salzburg.“ Read the review here: 220 Grad Review_Nina 2018  

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Pur:isst, Salzburg: ‘An elegant, cosy ambience and pork ribs to die for’ – reviewed by Simon

  Hier geht’s zur Review: restaurant-review_lehner-final-version-nur-review

Posted in #ReviewFriday | Kommentare deaktiviert für Pur:isst, Salzburg: ‘An elegant, cosy ambience and pork ribs to die for’ – reviewed by Simon

Marge Piercy’s Woman on the edge of Time – Reviewed by pantts 

„Woman on the Edge of Time“ deals with the struggles of a woman of colour, incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital in the 1970s, who describes her travels to future, trying to help create a better world. Is she really able to travel in time, or do we, the readers just want to believe in a …

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